Jestem obecnie zatrudniona na stanowisku adiunkta na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie. Pracuję na Katedrze Anglistyki ale zdarza mi się też prowadzić zajęcia dla studentów innych kierunków.
Prowadzone zajęcia:
- Women’s writing. Reading old and new classics – seminarium (2022-23)
- Academic Writing B.A. 1/2 – ćwiczenia (2021-23)
- Writing Lab – ćwiczenia (2021/22)
- Translation Theory – wykład (zaoczni, dzienni) – 2021-23
- Language, discourse and the making of self – konwersatorium (2021-23)
- Fakultet humanistyczny/psychologiczny: Język, dyskurs i techniki siebie (dzienni/zaoczni) (2022/23)
- B.A. Seminar – seminarium dyplomowe (dzienni/zaoczni) (2021-23)
Zrealizowane dyplomy:
Jako promotorka wspieram studentów i studentki piszące pracę z zakresu analizy dyskursu, socjolingwistyki, teorii przekładu i innych obszarów. Szczególnie interesuje mnie społeczne konstruowanie znaczenia.
- The Problem of Equivalence in the Polish translation of “The Peculiar Tales” by Ransom Riggs
- Comparative discourse analysis of press articles on abortion rights in the United States after Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case (of 23 June 2023)
- Violence in male-female relations in Colleen Hoover’s novels
- The Witch Motif in Contemporary Culture on the Example of Florence and the Machine
- Difficulties faced by beginning translators – a survey-based study
- Anne or Andzia? Analysis of the 1912 and 2022 Translations of ‘Anne of Green Gables’ by Lucy Maud-Montgomery
- Translation of queer slang in „Rupaul’s Drag Race”
- Portrayal of Asians and Asian Americans in the movie „Crazy Rich Asians”
- English borrowings in modern Polish language – a case study of women’s lifestyle and fashion magazines
- „The modern Elizabeth Bennet. The impact of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” on contemporary culture”
- Discourse analysis of marketing campaigns of Apple “Think Different” and “Shot on iPhone” focused on elements of individuality
- Gender in Translations: Analysis of the Translation of the Book „Girl, Woman, Other” by Bernardine Evaristo
- Discourse Analysis of the Body Positivity Movement on TikTok: body positive vs body neutral accounts
- Disco Elysium – A video game as a cracked mirror of our world
- Women in movies of the 1960s. Analysis of portrayal of main figures in „Repulsion” and „Beata”
- Content analysis of Melanie Martinez’s songs – adult themes through a child’s eyes
- Shame and shaming in American TV shows
- Omission in films adapted from American literature – a case study of three blockbusters
- Language Barrier in the Condition of Relocation
- The use of abbreviations and loanwords- language evolution
- Ukrainian Employees in Polish Companies. Multilingual Communication
- Parents’ attitudes to bilingual education: a survey amongst parents in Warsaw 2022
- Non-binary and gender-neutral language – analysis of translation techniques employed by Polish audiovisual translators
- Language learning motivation techniques used by teachers of young learners in the Teddy Eddie and Savvy Ed methods
- The importance of linguistic correctness in English language used on the Internet and social media
- Seeing beyond the binary – an exploration of attitudes and experiences of Polish queer teenagers who use non-binary pronouns
- Analysis of Translation Strategies Applied in the Polish Dubbed Version of the Animated Film „The Cars”
- A discourse analysis of a social movement on Instagram: #normalizenormalbodies
- „Mansplaining” and “Manterruption” as a Reflection of Socio-Cultural Phenomenon
- Communication strategies in sports – based on a case study of two local multilingual football clubs
- A comparative analysis of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and its three screen adaptation
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